Create an Academic name (E)




In “The naming concept”section, it has mentioned hard studying and learning is essential to improve one’s fortune. Dr. Wah firmly believes the approach in “study and ask, ask and practice, practice and review”, will guide oneself onto the road of success.

It was a common belief of ancient Chinese that hard studying brings bright prospects and fortune. With this in mind, the elder generation would purposely give an “Academic Name” to young children when they started enrolling to school. It also serves to remind children realize the importance of hard studying – the only way to gain treasure of knowledge, learn decent behavior to glorify and bring new heights for the family in future.

In today’s modern society, it has become less popular to create an “Academic Name”. However, Dr. Wah reminds that the old tradition of a good “Academic Name” should not be ignored as it has been proven over generations its implicit power to motivate progress, correct bad behavior and laziness.

Iname will deliver a professional report associated with the usefulness of the client’s name as stipulated in previous paragraph. This serves to assist young pupils to become more diligent and clever in passing academic and professional examinations with excellent grading results. A solid foundation therefore laid for the children build a bright future.