Integrating Eastern and Western culture and with adoption of most advanced scientific and statistical approach, Dr. Wah has innovated a scientific nomenclature model, an absolute original of such kind.
Incorporating the mathematical approach of the Chinese monumental philosophic literature “I Ching”, classical ideology literature, philosophic as well as nomenclature and fusion with modern methodical statistics, psychology, phonetics and nomenclature to develop an innovative nomenclature model. This model is in total consistence with modern thinking and values, an ideal tool to empower people to achieve inspirations. What’s more, the model comprises international interchangeable functions and is absolutely an originality.
Algorithm process applied on a high quantum of data to assess and evaluate positive and negative aspects of a name. In addition, Dr. Wah has also invented PRI© to provide specialized appraisal of the relationship of two persons.
Algorithm process applied on a high quantum of data to assess and evaluate positive and negative aspects of a name. Results are scientifically ranked to judge predicted fate of the person. This Algorithm model also forms the foundation of the “Predestinated Relationship Index PRI©”, an exclusive tool to assess relationship of individual persons.
The Index is typically used to assess married couples or lovers’ relationship, but is also effectively applicable to 1+1 personal relationship. It provides clear yardsticks for reckoning the names and gives all angles’ assessment of the relationship by dissecting, comparing, categorizing and explicit explanation of all elements of the names. The assessment results give clear pictures to define satisfactory levels and potential evolvement of the relationship.
Furthermore, Iname Creativity® uses A.I. (Artificial Intelligence*) to create brilliant names, the lifetime engine to boost confidence, energize proactiveness, and transfigure one’s fortune in entering into the course of a happier life.
* Quoting the definition by Professor Ajay Agrawal of the University of Toronto, Canada – A.I. is a theory of prediction, used for searching of missing information. In simple terms, it is the use of current data on hand to predict missing unknown data.
Everyone has his or her unique set of beliefs and values. Iname Creativity® was established to help people accomplish their own beliefs and values.
With everyone has his or her specific set of beliefs and values, it is natural for people trying to instill similar sets of beliefs and values to their offspring. Such desire is most commonly fulfilled at the creation and choosing of names for new born babies.
Why do lots of adults also want to change their names? The reason is obvious – transforming to a better life, and attainment of his or her beliefs and values — taking a courageous step of changing the name.
The I-Ching has three fundamental concepts and one of these is “Change”. Going for Change requires one’s strong will and determination to strive for future betterment. Iname Creativity® helps people to fulfil their will to create and change for excellent names.
All team members of Iname Creativity® possess high academic qualifications or are senior professional practitioners.